Doctoral Program Structure

Candidates for the PhD degree are normally expected to be in full time residence for the period of their program, and it is expected that all students will complete their doctoral program within four years. A presumptive schedule for completion is as follows:

Year 1: Complete all course requirements and organize comprehensive exam (select exam topic and supervisor, set examination committee, construct reading list, begin reading for review paper).
Year 2: Complete comprehensive exam. Decide on doctoral dissertation committee. Develop and defend thesis proposal. Submit research plans for ethical review (if needed).
Year 3: Dissertation research and writing.
Year 4: Research and writing. Defend thesis.

All doctoral students must complete, in April of each year, a progress report and plan for the remainder of their doctoral program. After committees are formed, these reports are reviewed to determine if students are maintaining satisfactory academic progress.

For more information, see the Criminology and Sociolegal Studies Graduate Handbook.