Light Piercing Through Darkness: Kadija Lodge-Tulloch and the i am... Project

June 11, 2021 by Cate MacLeod

CrimSL PhD student Kadija Lodge-Tulloch is one of 28 graduate students from across Canada who created short films as part of the i am... project at Ryerson's Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) in Migration & Integration program. The films premiered on June 10th, and can be viewed now on the project website or the CERC Migration YouTube channel.

Lead by Anna Triandafyllidou (Professor & Canada Excellence Research Chair in Migration and Integration, Ryerson University) and Gemini Award-winning filmmaker and scholar Cyrus Sundar Singh, the project marks the 50th anniversary of Canada's first multiculturalism policy: "CERC Migration set out to better understand the legacy of that idealism, particularly within the context of the Black Lives Matter movement and resistance to settler colonialism."

Read more about the project in the Toronto Star

Graduate students from across Canada submitted proposals "to capture their individual expressions of identity and belonging or not belonging into a three minute film." Kadija was one of 28 students selected to receive professional mentorship and support to produce her film.

Kadija's film is Light Piercing Through Darkness:

"A Christian. A Black woman. An academic advocate. In this particular order, these words capture the essence of who I am. For many years, I experienced an internal conflict between these identities. Light Piercing Through Darkness takes you on the journey of how I resolved this conflict and allowed my intersecting identities to merge as one."
