VIDEO | Works In Progress Session #1: Light Piercing Through Darkness

March 7, 2022 by CrimSL Communications

The CrimSL Research Cluster for the Study of Racism and inequality held its first session of Works in Progress on Friday, February 4, 2022. Kadija Lodge-Tulloch led the first session, sharing how “Light Piercing Through Darkness, a spoken-word video project, helped [her] evolve as a scholar.” She continues to describe her thought process as follows:

In the span of 10 months, I discovered my identity as a Christian, scholar advocate. Developing this piece gave me the confidence to understand and justify my research decisions through my identity as a Christian, Black woman and Advocate.

If you missed the first session, you can watch a recording of the session below.

Works in Progress is a monthly workshop series for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows to present their works in progress and receive feedback from their peers. Keep checking the CrimSL website for upcoming dates.
