Leon Kosals
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Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream
Office Location :
CG 213
Biography :
Professor Kosals' research focuses on corruption in the law enforcement agencies of post-communist countries in a broad socio-economic, political and comparative context. His research is based on empirical analysis of police officers in Russia, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria and Latvia, where he develops a broad view of police misconduct and crime, their involvement in the shadow economy and organized crime, including an analysis of distortions in their professional role and culture.
Selected publications
- “Social Capital and Organisational Survival in Times of Crisis: A Russian Case Study” (with D. Asaturian), Europe-Asia Studies, forthcoming in 2023.
- “Legitimation of Innovation: The Case of AI Technology for Facial Recognition,” Chapter 4 in V. Radaev & Z. Kotelnikova (Eds.)., The Ambivalence of Power in the 21C Economy: Cases from Russia and Beyond. London, University College London, 2022, pp. 80-99.
- “External and Internal Corruption in Organizations: Typology and Interdependence. A case of the Police” (with Alexei Izyumov). Voprosy Teoreticheskoi Ekonomiki (Theoretical Economics), No. 4, 2021, pp. 79-91, in Russian.
- “Russian Criminal Justice – Limited Predation and Implied Ethics” (with Sergei Pavlenko). Chapter 29 in I. Studin, Russia – Strategy, Policy and Administration. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, pp. 331-338.
- “From the Plan to the Market and Back - Organizational Transformation of the Russian Defence Industry” (with A. Izyumov and B. Kemelgor), Europe-Asia Studies, 2018, Vol. 70, No. 9, pp. 1450-1471.
- “Applying Australia’s Experience to Russia’s Anti-Corruption Policies in the Police: An Event Structure Analysis of an Australian Corrupt Network” (with I. Aymaliev), Mir Rossii (Universe of Russia), 2016, Vol. 25, No 2, pp. 98-122.
- “Informality, Crime and Corruption in Russia: A review of Recent Literature” (with A. Maksimova), Theoretical Criminology, special issue “Crime and Criminal Justice in the Post-Soviet Region,” 2015, Vol. 19(2) 278–288.
- “The ‘Economic Activities’ of Russian Police” (with D.G. Wilson, O. Kolennikova, R. Ryvkina, Yu. Simagin), International Journal of Police Science and Management, Volume 10, Number 1, 2008, pp. 65-75.
- “Essay on Clan Capitalism in Russia,” Acta Oeconomica, Vol. 57 (1), 2007, pp. 67-85.
- “The Institutionalization of Shadow Economy: Rules and Roles” (with R. Ryvkina), in: K. Segbers (ed.), Explaining Post-Soviet Patchworks, Vol. II: ‘Pathways from the Past to the Global’. Ashgate Publishing, 2001. French translation in Revue du Mauss, 2003- 1 (n 21).
PhD (Sociology), Russian Academy of Sciences
MA, Novosibirsk State University
BA, Novosibirsk State University
People Type:
Research Area:
Areas of Interest:
- Shadow economy
- Russia
- Violence and violent crimes
- Politics and organized crime
- Models of capitalism in post-communist societies
- Russian military-industrial complex
- Social capital and business organization