CrimSL undergrad launches 'Students Against Trafficking' at U of T

April 24, 2024 by Patricia Doherty

CrimSL undergraduate student Leli Gardapkhadze founded Students Against Trafficking (SAT) last month as an officially recognized U of T student group.

Leli will serve as its president during the 2024-25 academic year. Her first order of business is to attract more student members to help realize the group's mission. 

At SAT, our main goal is to shed light on the realities of human trafficking and ignite conversations that lead to action. Through educational events, workshops, and campaigns, we aim to empower our community with knowledge and resources to recognize, prevent, and respond to trafficking.

Join us in our mission to raise awareness, challenge misconceptions, and advocate for the rights and dignity of trafficking survivors. Together, we can make a difference by amplifying our voices, educating others, and taking meaningful action to end human trafficking in all its forms. 

—Students Against Trafficking, U of T Student Organization Portal

Leli Gardapkhadze
Leli Gardapkhadze

Leli has just completed the second year of her BA with a double major in criminology and sociolegal studies and history, a minor in digital humanities, and a Certificate in International Affairs.

She says her desire to help effect change was seeded in a conversation about human trafficking that she had with her brother. Until then, she says, she hadn't "fully grasped the widespread nature of trafficking, given our modern democratic society with its emphasis on freedom and liberties."

"It's the 21st century but there's still slavery in today's world. There are thousands of people enslaved through trafficking," she says.

The realization motivated Leli to form a student group to raise awareness of trafficking. "Awareness leads to action, and action leads to change," says Leli.

SAT's plans for 2024-25

In their first year, Leli says, SAT plans to host in-person and online workshops featuring expert speakers.

Topics will include categories of trafficking, how to avoid becoming a victim of trafficking, and how to identify signs of trafficking.

SAT has already established an Instagram account (satuoft) and intends to set up a LinkedIn page and a website to meet their goal of "empowering our community with knowledge and resources to recognize, prevent, and respond to trafficking."

Students invited to join SAT executive team

SAT is currently accepting applications for positions on its executive committee, which will meet once a month during the academic year.

Interested U of T students are invited to apply by completing an online application form by June 30, 2024. An interview may also be required.


Please contact Students Against Trafficking (SAT) at with any questions.