Jessica Bundy
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PhD Candidate
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Biography :
Jessica Bundy is currently a PhD student at the Centre for Criminology and Sociolegal Studies. Originally from Nova Scotia, her work centers around race, narrative, police and the broader criminal justice system. Jessica’s doctoral work explores the experiences of the urban African Nova Scotian community with the criminal justice system, specifically the police.
- Bundy, Jessica T., Vanessa Rhodes, Maria Brisbane, Mariah Brooks, and Natalie Delia Deckard. (2023) “All Things Considered: A Collaborative Critical Autoethnography of Emerging Racialized Scholar.” International Journal of Qualitative Methods 22.
- Bundy, Jessica T. 2019. “We’ll Deal with It Later: African Nova Scotian Women’s Perceptions and Experiences of the Police.” Canadian Journal of Sociology 44(4):319–42.
- Bundy, J. (2016) ‘Nova Scotia’s Best Kept Secret’: African Nova Scotian Perceptions of the Police in Digby, MA Thesis, Acadia University
- Bundy, J. (2015) The Problem of the Coloured Child: Child Welfare Services after the Halifax Explosion. Honours BA Thesis, Acadia University.
MA (Sociology), Acadia University
BA (Hons Sociology), Acadia University
People Type:
Research Area:
Areas of Interest:
- Race and the criminal justice system
- Policing
- Narratives
Dissertation Supervisors:
Scot Wortley
Dissertation Description:
Exploring urban African Nova Scotian perceptions of and experiences with the criminal justice system.
Wortley, S., and Bundy, J. (November 2019). Two Sides of the Same Coin: Perceptions of Street Checks in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Presentation at the American Society of Criminology Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Lodge-Tulloch, K., Tanner, J., Bundy, J., Wortley, S. (November 2019)Snitches Get Stitches: Why Youth Fail to Report Crime to the Police. Presentation at the American Society of Criminology Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Lodge-Tulloch, K., Tanner, J., Bundy, J., Wortley, S. (November 2019)Snitches Get Stitches: Why Youth Fail to Report Crime to the Police. Presentation at the American Society of Criminology Conference, San Francisco, CA.
Bundy, J. (May 2018). African Nova Scotian Women’s Experiences with the police. Presentation at Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences (BCSA), Regina, SK.
Bundy, J. (May 2017). Black Perceptions of the Police in Rural Nova Scotia, presentation at the Black Canadian Studies Association Conference at Brandon University, Brandon, MB.
Bundy, J. (November 2016). Unsilencing Voices: African Nova Scotian Perceptions of the Police in Digby, presentation of Master’s Thesis at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education’s Decolonizing Conference, Toronto, ON.