Madison Hovey

PhD Student
CG 253


Fields of Study

Areas of Interest

  • Indigenous governance prior to settler colonialization and its influence on today’s justice system 
  • "Rule of Law" and its role in society and how such interacts with Indigenous rule of law
  • Integration of Indigenous governance/Indigenous "rule of law" into colonial CJS in courts


As a recent Criminology/Socio-legal master's graduate, Madison has always had a passion to continue to research and spread awareness of injustices towards Indigenous communities and peoples. Recent experiences being employed as an Aboriginal court worker with Aboriginal Legal Services has given many opportunities to give back to the community along with reconnect with her own Indigenous heritage. Madison is super excited to continue her educational journey at U of T in the PhD program along with getting the chance to see familiar and new faces!  


MA Thesis Paper: Judicial Education in Canada: Cultural Competency, Application and Integration of Indigenous Knowledge in Canadian Courts & Broader Practises.


MA, University of Toronto
BA, Toronto Metropolitan University
